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The Hills Are Alive, With the Sound of SEO

Written By Supriadi on Monday, May 14, 2012 | 8:46 PM

I happened to stumble across the old classic film The Sound of Music for the first time in ages last weekend. I actually found the story of the Von Trapp family a lot more interesting than I had remembered it. One thing which stood out though was the amount of subliminal messages it sent out about SEO practices.
Eh, what’s that? You didn’t notice any of the SEO information on it? Well it was right there for you. Let’s look at the example of the classic Do-Re-Mi song.

Doe – A Deer, a Female Deer

In this part of the song Maria is clearly telling us that different people call objects by varying names and that you need to think of them all for SEO purposes. If you run a deer riding centre, for example, you find that potential customers look online for any one of these words in the song or others which are related to the Cervidae family.

Ray – A Drop of Golden Sun

Make it exciting by adding descriptive words; she implores us from atop a lovely Swiss mountain. You might sell something which is pretty dull but you can still look for ways to liven it up. Even when someone gets to your site you still need to woo them with enticing offers and exciting sounding descriptions.

Me – A name I call myself

We each want what we want, and that means focussing your SEO effort on individual needs. The three words to remember are “me”, “me” and “me”. If you sell pills that make people lose weight then you are going to want to focus on phrases that have to do with becoming slimmer, feeling better and living a more exciting life. You don’t need to limit yourself to boring product descriptions. Get people excited and fulfil their needs and you will gain more customers.

Far – A Long, Long Way to Run

Focus on local traffic is what the failed nun wants to point out to us here. You don’t want to waste time and money finding customers only for them to then realise that it would be a long, long way to run to get to your business. Look for keyword phrases which are going to narrow down the options geographically.

Sew – A Needle Pulling Thread

The thread doesn’t pull the needle, does it? Do they ever go side by side? No, the needle is always in front, leading the thread in a motion which our heroine quite rightly describes as “pulling”. What she wants to teach us here is that there is a natural order in SEO which we all need to follow. If you try and write articles or build links without finding out your keyword phrases then it would be like using the thread to pull the needle.

La – A Note to Follow So

I believe that this is what they call in the music industry a placeholder. It seems that even Maria’s outstanding business mind couldn’t come up with anything relevant for this note.

Tea – A Drink with Jam and Bread

If you have a site which sells tea then what else are your potential visitors likely to be interested in? Why, jam and bread of course. The idea here, if I have understood the song correctly, is that you need to think of related items which could help draw people into your site. So, if you sell tea you could write a blog about it but you might also want to mention jam, bread, scones, butter and those little sandwiches with no crusts which always seem to contain a disproportionate amount of smelly cucumber in them
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